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Leron Bernstein
Parsha and Israel Insights
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Mevaser Zion Weekly Column
חרבות ברזל
Leron Bernstein
Mar 28, 2023
2 min read
Tzav | Make Sure It Fits!
Where does a Kohen shop for clothes? Surely that's unnecessary - they wear very specific uniforms, no? The Kohen should just be able to...
Leron Bernstein
Mar 22, 2023
2 min read
Vayikra | Give it with Soul!
There is one small word at the start of Chapter 2 that breaks through all the very technical descriptions of the sacrifices to teach a...
Leron Bernstein
Mar 15, 2023
2 min read
Vayakhel | Are we in the wrong book? How did we land up here?
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt”l asks an astounding question on this Parsha. Why is the detailed description of the Mishkan in Sefer Shemot,...
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