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Bereishit | 5784, Chapter 1…

Writer's picture: Leron BernsteinLeron Bernstein

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

These unwanted and dark days have caused seismic shifts in the world order. The veils of falsehood have been obliterated - and for this crucial moment in history - evil is recognized as evil and the nation of Israel is seen, by all rational humans, on the side of purity, truth, goodness and light - where it has always been. “G-d separated the light from the darkness.” (Bereishit 1:4)

What a way to open the Torah for 5784. What a context within which to begin unravelling the Torah from Day 1 of creation. “In the beginning… the earth was unformed and void, with darkness over the surface.” (Bereishit 1:1)

So much pain and so much darkness.

The Netziv famously explains why Sefer Bereishit begins with stories about our patriarchs and matriarchs, as opposed to launching directly with Torah laws. The Netziv highlights that the Nevi’im call Bereishit, “Sefer HaYashar” - “The Book of the Upright” - because the forefathers are called the ‘Yesharim’. We have to internalize their powerful expressions of morality and kindness right ‘in the beginning’ of our religious journey. One can be a tzaddik and a chassid, but that is not enough without being first, ‘Yashar’ - upright, moral and good. The Netziv explains that there were countless ‘Tzadikkim’ in the time of the 2nd Beit HaMikdash, yet this trait did not prevent them from destructive Sinat Chinam. They were not a generation of Yesharim - flawed in their basic morality. The rest is history.

"דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה".

“Morality precedes the Torah”

The light of basic human morality has to shine brightly before the precise religious laws find their form. As we have tragically seen with our own eyes this week, a religion that is not rooted in morality fosters despicable beings bringing unimaginable pain, darkness and destruction to the world.

So the world has been shaken to its core - right back to, ‘the beginning’ - to a harsh lesson in the fundamental tenets of morality and goodness. The difference between light and dark is clear, once again. Yet, the price is too much to bear. “The bloods of your brother scream out from the earth” (Bereishit 4:10)

Chapter 1 of 5784 was the darkest of the dark. Chapter 2 must bring a new, brighter light.

"כשיש מלחמה גדולה בעולם מתעורר כח משיח…" (רב קוק, אורות המלחמה)

“When there is a great war in the world, the power of Mashiach is awoken… The wicked will perish from the world and the world will become fragranced, and the sound of the turtledove will be heard in our land.” (Rav Kook, The Lights of War)


This Dvar Torah should serve as a zchut for the swift and safe return of Daniel Shimon Ben Sharon and a refuah shleima and safe return of all those affected in Am Yisrael. And may Hashem watch over our courageous and holy chayalim.


© 2023 by Leron Bernstein

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