Parshat Beshalach marks a pivotal moment in Am Yisrael’s development. The nation defined by a destructive era of slavery is called upon to take its first steps in rehabilitation and rebirth.
Caught between their merciless Egyptian captors and the raging sea - Am Yisrael is sure that this long-awaited redemption is over just as it began. Moshe - ‘the adult’ - takes charge and pleads to Hashem for the poor ‘children’ of Israel. Hashem swiftly turns back to Moshe, chiding him that this is not the time for his prayer. This is the time for action - the Nation must step up and charge forward!
The Or HaChaim explains that from the spiritual accounting perspective, the Nation was ‘out of extra merits’ - especially after just pining to return to Egypt from fear. Their movement forward at the edge of the sea was a necessary action to display their absolute faith and worthiness - earning them the tipping of the scales to invoke Hashem’s kindness.
Can you think of a pivotal moment where you were caught in a difficult situation and didn’t know which way to turn? Close your eyes, feel Hashem’s belief in you, take that step forward and pave the way for Hashem’s kindness and your growth…