Sarah Imeinu sadly leaves this world. Avraham performs the first extensively recorded, ‘Chesed Shel Emet’ - the powerful description reserved for the acts of respect we carry out for those who have parted from this world.
Even in death, our true respect for life is paramount. We call Sarah’s passing, “Chayei Sarah - The Life of Sarah”. In her passing, we highlight her life-giving values, as they take root for generations to come. The very same values that we, as a nation, proudly exhibit today.
In this moment of true kindness, we encounter true treachery. As Avraham seeks to secure, ‘The Cave of Doubles’, he must conquer, ‘The Curse of Doublespeak’.
“No, my lord, listen to me. I give you the field and the cave that is within it. To you I give it. In full sight of the people of my nation, I give it to you (for free). Bury your dead.… Avraham listened to Ephron and Avraham weighed out for Ephron the silver of which he spoke in the hearing of the Hittites, four hundred shekels of silver, acceptable to any merchant. And the field of Ephron which was in the Makhpelah before Mamre… was established.” (Bereishit 11…17)
Rashi exposes the undercurrent, “The name Ephron is written defectively (without the vav) to indicate that there was something missing in Ephron viz, sincerity – because he promised much but did not do even the very least.”
“Doublespeak: language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth.” (Miriam-Webster). Maaseh Avot Siman L’Banim.
“Though truth is the first casualty of war, it is still its best weapon. And as the international community assesses the loss of civilian life, it will be critical to cut through the morass of mistruths and collect cold, hard facts. When the Israelis enter Gaza and the real fight ensues, the mistakes, lies, and false accusations will only grow and will surely obscure the true cost of this war. The success of the Israeli operation and the fate of civilians could hang in the balance.” - Helmus & Marcilleno, Senior Behavioural Scientists at RAND, UPI, Oct ‘23
The fight for the truthful hold on our land began with Avraham needing to overcome the doublespeak and immoral deception of Ephron. It remains a central feature in our battles to this day.
“Hashem, save me from treacherous lips, from a deceitful tongue… A warrior’s sharp arrows, with hot coals of broom-wood.” (Tehillim 120)
We have prevailed against these poisonous arrows of perversion for generations and we will again.
May the zchut of Avraham Avinu - acquiring this Holy Land through an act of chessed shel emet, serve as a protection imbued with chessed and emet for our precious chayalim.