We’ve just passed the midway point of the 49-step marathon from Pesach to Shavuot. The timing is excellent - as we meet the source for Mitzvat Sefirat Haomer in our Parsha.
The famous question each year is why are we counting the wrong way around? We leave the slavery of Egypt on the exciting path to receiving the Torah at Har Sinai. It’s a countdown from subjugation to purpose.
Like an excited kid waiting for a birthday gift or a grown-up looking forward to a well-deserved holiday - surely we too should be counting down - from 49 to 0? But, we find ourselves counting ‘up’ - “Today is the 30th day of the Omer…”.
The Sefer HaChinuch (M. 306) believes that we are so eager to receive the Torah that we can’t bring ourselves to acknowledge that there are a full 49 days to go - it would be too demoralizing. We begin the count with small numbers to avoid becoming despondent.
I think the answer all depends on the object of the counting! If it’s all about the Sefer Torah, then we really should be counting down the days - wishing each one away - as time diminishes and closes the gap between ourselves and the Holy Torah. We are spiritually calling out, “Are we there yet?” as we play the waiting game - time being the only obstacle in our path.
We count ‘up’ because the primary object is actually us - the humans for whom the Torah was created. We were just slaves in Egpyt - at the lowest spiritual level - a moment away from oblivion. And then, Hashem redeemed us! We now need the time to build and grow - day by day, week by week - so that we can bring ourselves to be in the most fitting space to carry the Torah. Every day we count another building block in our self-development.
Like the runner who anxiously anticipates the upcoming marathon, knowing that every day counts to ensure the right physical growth as the big day comes closer, this is our time to spiritually work out - to build our mystical muscles so that we show up in top shape. We then take the Torah to the greatest heights ever imagined - as it catches a ride on the infinite journey of human growth.
“And you shall count for yourselves”.