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Terumah | Visionary Planting

Writer: Leron BernsteinLeron Bernstein

Parshat Terumah goes into vast detail when describing the many measurements and materials of the Mishkan. There is powerful symbolism in each element - inspiring unique aspects in our service of Hashem.

Rashi is intrigued by the practical sourcing of one of the raw materials - Acacia Wood. How did Bnei Yisrael find such developed trees in Egypt, matching the requirements of the Mishkan?

“But from where did they get this in the wilderness? Rabbi Tanchuma explained it: Ya’akov Avinu foresaw through the gift of Divine Inspiration, that Israel would, in the future, build a Mishkan in the wilderness: he, therefore, brought cedars to Egypt and planted them there, and instructed his children to take these with them when they would leave Egypt.”

The vision of Ya’akov Avinu is astounding. Bnei Yisrael is on the cusp of enduring the incomprehensibly difficult subjugation in Egypt, yet Yaakov, a true father, knows that there will be an end to this. Despite the impossible conditions that the nation will have to weather, there will be immeasurable growth nonetheless. There will ultimately be a nation, standing strong like an acacia, marching out to serve Hashem - with these remarkable trees having borne witness to the darkness of slavery and now actively serving the uplifting redemption.

This Parsha calls upon us to contemplate the place we make for Hashem in our lives - “Make for Me a Sanctuary”. What are the actions we can take when things are going well, to ensure that the inevitable challenges of life will not serve to destroy us, but rather build us? What seeds can we plant to ensure that, when the times of challenge pass, we and our children emerge on the other side, more rooted in our faith, standing tall and empowered for the journey ahead?


© 2023 by Leron Bernstein

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