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Tetzaveh | Who turned off the lights?!

Writer's picture: Leron BernsteinLeron Bernstein

There is a key name missing from this week’s Parsha! Where is Moshe? The Ba’al Haturim confirms that every Parsha from the time that Moshe is born until the last one contains his name, except for Tetzaveh.

The Ba’al Haturim sees this as a subtle fulfilment of Moshe’s wish in Parshat Ki Tissa to have his name ‘wiped out’ - if Hashem destroys Bnei Yisrael in response to the Golden Calf. The Shach agrees - seeing Moshe’s statement to be self-denigrating - not befitting of a Tzaddik and leader of his stature. Moshe gets ‘punished’ by disappearing from this Parsha.

Rav Aviner has a very different take. Moshe Rabbeinu, he explains, is the ultimate educator and therefore affirms that, in raising Am Yisrael, there are times when it is crucial to be present but, no less importantly, there are times when he must recede into the background. This is what gives space for the independent growth of the student/employee/intern/child - in our case - the Nation. In Parshat Tetzaveh, Moshe takes a step back so that the Nation can step forward independently and feel worthy - confident in the power of ‘standing on its own two feet’. 

How do we behave when the teacher has left the classroom? How do we act when the boss is not in the office? How do we perform when the coach steps out for a moment? It’s these moments that define where we stand vis a vis our internal growth and motivation. 

With Purim in just a month’s time, we see there too that Hashem’s name is ‘absent’ from the Megillah. Our Sages identify Purim as the seminal moment when we accepted the Torah of our own volition. In the darkness of the Churban, we stepped forward to affirm our relationship with Hashem and His Torah.

I think that this can also hold true for the different values that we hold in times of absolute clarity, compared to when that light recedes and we have to step up to maintain and nurture them when things seem dark again. In facing the visceral, existential threat of evil on Oct 7th, it was ‘as clear as day’ how vital and truthful it was to be completely united - to wave the flag of Achdut across our nation. As the impact of that initial shock and threat wanes, we have to make sure to step up of our own volition in every small step, gesture and action - to ensure that we entrench the value of Achdut within ourselves and in every place in society we have access to. Our future depends on it - so let’s not get lost in the darkness - let’s use it to show that the same light can shine from within ourselves, outward. 


Dvar Torah dedicated to the safe and swift return of Daniel Shimon ben Sharon Perez, as well as all the hostages, for a refuah shleima for all the wounded and for the continued protection for our holy chayalim.



© 2023 by Leron Bernstein

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